Donna loves to antique shop, and I'm into golfing -- and hunting if you count looking for my Titlest in the woods.
We love to travel when we get the time.
A special hello to our friends: Mim/Joe "the Couch", Big John/"Pretty feet" Lisa/Chadd/Kyra, Mom Dad, Aunt Madge, Terry, Lynn, Mike/Stephanie "the Yapper", Manny "the Gimp"/Denise/Jordan/ Elena, George/Cindy/Anthony/Jake the Snake, Tony/Chrsitine/Andrew/Elliot, Lucy, Sonia, Oscar, Brisy, Exxon "or is it Mobil" Joe, "Got to Babysit" John, Notre Damit Randy, JoeJoe/Norma/Joe Jr./Tanya, Connie, Skinny-butt Barry, and the list goes on. |